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happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
Any daytraders or Internet Investors?
by Iwasyoungonce injust curious,.
one reason i pop on and off the internet is i trade and invest on ameritrade.
coming here is sometimes a break while i'm waiting for a stock to move.
Any daytraders or Internet Investors?
by Iwasyoungonce injust curious,.
one reason i pop on and off the internet is i trade and invest on ameritrade.
coming here is sometimes a break while i'm waiting for a stock to move.
happy man
Well take care my friend, this is a very dangerus field.
myself have like you a very bigg intrest fore stocks, started 7 yers ago, and it whent wery well, fore a while, the problem is that if you find some stock who you relay love, and you se them gowing upp and upp and upp, suddenly they start to go down, and you cant sell them sound crayzy, but it is a fackt, we have fore exampel the famus sweed mobilecompany, Ericsson , fall from 20 $ to under 1, in only one year, a lot of peopel have been ruined on this stock.
I myself was upp from 5.000 $ to 100.000$, i dont think you want to now how much it is now, not so many procent left.
If you have the dicipline to always sell when it start to go down, you can sucseed, but it is very easy to sitt and wait , fore the turn around who never come.
If you want some tip from me, i can give you one in an intresting area, nano, the smal word, who come forward to give us a new word, we have in sweden a company named OBDUCAT, they are on congress in San Fransico 11-13 dec, have some form of collaboraition widh, General Electric.
But as I say be carefull, or all your money are gone, it have been a littel to much of a casino,
Reality check: World less happy about America
by Pathofthorns infacinating results from a global poll relating to public opinions of america in various countries around the world.. [url][/url].
a major survey on international opinion released in washington yesterday shows u.s. popularity has plunged across much of the world amid mounting perceptions that the united states is running roughshod over other nations.
the planet's sole superpower commands only tepid affection, just as the u.s. government struggles to win international support for a possible military incursion against iraq as the next stage in its war on terrorism.. in fact, the prospect of a u.s.-led offensive aimed at overthrowing iraqi dictator saddam hussein has become a major irritant between washington and even its closest allies.. .
happy man
I must say that i have never understand this," we are better beaucasue we live in a surten place on this potatoground", if you understand what i meen.
So to all of you here, wasnt it better when you was Jw and look at evry man on earth as your brother, and all same .
This is one of the most nice thngs widh being JW, never forget when i was in US 1969 and what kindness i have from Us friends.
Fore me this nationalism is a very powerfull poison.
And this clown from texas, are using it to have peopel on his side.
I think he belive he live in wild west, and he want to shoot first, so take care.
from sweden to all of you widh love
happy man
I saw this program, and I must say this show the bigg problem widh this issu.
If someone cme forwar after 28 year and tell a story who nowan can confirm, then the justise never can do anything to this, we are not living in the 1600 centuri, and have witch hunting processes.
i dont understan this of you here who only listen to one side, here in sweden the goverment have chage the polycie, on this, now you must have some form of eveidence, several casese when peopel have been judged , and later girls have tell they was lying, are the cause to this change.
If you yourself was atacked on this issu, and nowan can puut any evidens, what would you say, so i think ir is a littel nightmare issu.
In this Denmark case, the police have putt i down, they can not find any evidens, you forget to tell this , WHY? hounesty is very important if you want to bee belived, I think some here forget this.
by happy man in.
Will the Watchtower Increase Suicide?
by metatron ini sadly observe that the watchtower has collectively chosen to resist moral.
reform of nearly every kind.
some of us had hoped that child molesting, lying,.
happy man
hello my friend Metatron.
I must say you have a bad day today, in evry religion you have upps and downs, peopel who are happy , and unhappy, i think you try to convince yourself about that evrything is very bad in the JW religion, IT IS NOT, and i think you now it inside.
sure we have some peopel how suffer, and some how is very happy, when we loook at the figures from the world it looks very good.
You are littel unfair when you only paint in black.
I was working in a religius hall a few weeks ago, and the priest tell me how awfull evryone was to him, so you see, all over we have peopel how not is sadicfied.
I think when I look at our cong that we now have a littel going upp trend, several new are coming in, and we have a littel cong around 60 members.
So evrything depend on what you want to show, if you want to show bad things , you can find them, and if you want to show good things you can find this too.
The most good thing now I think is our neutrality to all conflicts and hate among diffrent countries.
We sure feel the internationell brotherhood.
I think Jw have a rqdher good chans to grow, in this tricky times, a lot of peopel miss guidnes.
I see only one cloud on heaven, and it is that sure we can see that the GB putt them self in high position, but perhaps Jehova take care of this, how nows, perhaps he use media????
take care , widh love from happy man
None baptized at circuit assembly in Greeley,CO.
by spanky infirst time i have ever seen or heard of this but no one was baptized with 800+ in attendance at our circuit assembly two weeks back!
happy man
I think some of you are giving desinformaition, I have the latest figures from our work,2002
US was upp 3%
the world also 3,5 %
Dont look like the JW religion is going down from the hill,opposite is the reality.
Looking on the backyard
by happy man in.
is not so popular among us, and i defenytly think this is not so good, look at this link, and se what sign painter try to tell and what happend to him.. i think us jw are littel to afraid to talk about the problems as we have like evryone els.. i myself littel unusual perhaps, as trying to make things better, not so easy..
happy man
Is not so popular among us, and I defenytly think this is not so good, look at this link, and se what sign painter try to tell and what happend to him.
i think Us JW are littel to afraid to talk about the problems as we have like evryone els.
I myself littel unusual perhaps, as trying to make things better, not so easy.
It takes to much effort to hate
by kenpodragon inin my life i have learned that in order to truly hate someone or even to hate something.
i have to spend so much time carrying around all the files of memories that give me the reason to fill that way.
i have to think about the person, the thing or the place.
happy man
Good piont kenpo, very good point.
love from HM
JW answer on UN issu
by happy man ini find this on an jw site, its about the ub issu.. 1991, one of the legal corporations of the wts registered with the united nations as an ngo for the sole purpose of getting access to the extensive library of the united nations.
this enabled a writer who received an identification card, to enter the library, to enter the library for research purposes and to obtain information that has been used in writing articles in our journals about the united nations.
there was nothing secret about it.
happy man
I find this on an JW site, its about the Ub issu.
1991, one of the legal corporations of the WTS registered with the United Nations as an NGO for the sole purpose of getting access to the extensive library of the United Nations. This enabled a writer who received an identification card, to enter the library, to enter the library for research purposes and to obtain information that has been used in writing articles in our journals about the United Nations. There was nothing secret about it.
At the time of the initial application, no signature was required on the form. Years later, unbeknown to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, the United Nations published "Criteria for Association", stipulating that affiliated NGO's are required to support the goals of the UN.
After learning of the situation, our membership as NGO was withdrawn and the ID card was returned.
From a reader: The WT says that the UN is the unclean thing and its not to be touched.
Reply: That is not really true. The Bible and the WTS says that of Babylon the great, not the government (that is why the NWT cross-references 2 Cor 6:17 with Revelation 18). What the WTS has actually pooh-poohed is that the UN is mankinds last hope, or "God's kingdom on earth."
To defend other JW's, the Watchtower has also recently filed with the European Court, in order to protect our rights under the UN's Declaration of Human Rights. see original principles and goals expressed in the UN charter are: to maintain international peace and security; to suppress acts of aggression that threaten world peace; to encourage friendly relations among nations; to protect the fundamental freedoms of all peoples without discrimination based on race, sex, language, or religion; and to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, and cultural problems."
There isn't anything here which compromises our beliefs as Christians? Many JW's sign documents which state that we will protect the constitution or laws of the country he resides in, because there is no Christian conflict in protecting the stated principles of these governments.
God is going to use the UN to destroy false religion so why shouldn't we use it to promote religious freedom and human rights as long as we do not join it. We can promote it's "ideals" without promoting it as a replacement for God's Kingdom.
The Society has also stated:
"Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs."
Additionally, the WTS has previously called the UN objectives "nobel." Also, there is no conflict between the WTS's purpose and the Charter's allowance for governments to take military action. The Bible clearly states that God himself has given these governments the authority to "carry the sword" and we do not deny that authority (Rom.13:4). At the same time God requires Christians to personally reject warfare. (Matt 26:52)A 1994 UN brochure gives evidence to the fact that there was beginning to be a change in the official requirements for participation and an NGO. On page six we find this statement: "A new relationship between the UN and NGOs is now being created. We have seen this new relationship begin to mature. NGOs are taking on important new responsibilities."
Then we find the current Criteria for Association of NGOs describing the work of NGOs using language that Witnesses clearly cannot agree with; encouraging political participation, strengthening and support of the UN System etc. Also, in the latest NGO brochure we find that there was in fact an official change in the relationship and requirements of NGOs. (<>)
Quoting from the brochure:"After three years of negotiation, ECOSOC reviewed its arrangements for consultation with NGOs in July 1996. One outcome was ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31, which revised the arrangements for NGO consultation with ECOSOC....A second outcome...Decision 1996/297, which recommended that the General Assembly examine, at it 51st session, the QUESTION OF THE PARTICIPATION OF NGOS IN ALL AREAS OF WORK OF THE UN...Subsequently, in the General Assembly Working Group looking into the STRENGTHENING OF THE UN SYSTEM a sub-group on NGOs was formed."
The above clearly confirms exactly what the WTS has said: That *after* they applied for NGO status there was a change in the language of the "Criteria for Association." When this was brought to their attention they *immediately* withdrew their participation.
In a nutshell: The WTS applied for a library card at the UN. After they had received this card, the requirements for holding this card changed, so they returned it. Everything was done properly, despite what our enemies say regarding the matter.
From a reader:
****There is [sic] any reason to get this library card to get access to the books because the UN has what is called Depository Library. In these places, you may found nearly all the books that you may found at the UN library. This libraries are around the world and what you need is a library card because these libraries are often found in public libraries or university libraries. But there is any political policy or other weird thing to apply for this library card.
Reply: Certainly, all the available information is not available at the depository libraries, contrary to some opposers claims. Looking closely, the WTS did not say that they registered as an NGO just to get a library card for the "main library." They also wanted to gain access to research material at the UN "library facilities" or the "extensive library of the UN." This library system includes more than just the Dag Hammarskjold library. It includes DPI photo, film and audio libraries, access to the NGO Resource Center which offers current UN documents, access to selected meetings, briefings, seminars, conferences, film screenings, and language courses. Are all these resources accesible with out an NGO pass? Probably not!
Why have access to the UN's public information anyways? JW's are often the brunt of violations of the UN's charter of Rights and Freedoms. According the Encyc;. Americana 2000, Jehovah's Witnesses have faced more persecution in the 20th Century than any other religious group, save the Jews. But when we take steps to protect our members, even this is demonized by those that hate us and make an issue out of all this. THIS IS ANOTHER FORM OF PERSECUTION. See:
Some comments??